All times in GMT
[02:01] <Marlowe> Kalpa asks: Is
there a Universal 'Now" - that extends throughout the Cosmos?
[02:01] <Marlowe> DrBill
asks: Would not your strings theory go far in explaining Inflationary Cosmology?
[02:02] <Marlowe> NuHertz
asks: If one had a powerful enough electro-magnet, could someone 'tear'
the electrons out of an object? Say a table or a person?
[02:02] <Marlowe> mnk0 asks: Dr.
how do you feel about drug use
[02:02] <Marlowe> Clickum asks:
Is it possible to rearrange subatomic particles to create new, lighter
[02:02] <Marlowe> mindbender asks:
Dr.kaku, I was wondering what kind of technology it would take to use the
power of anti-matter to matter energy, and how far off in the future untill
this technology can be used.
[02:02] <Marlowe> Rick1138 asks:
I was wondering what the relationship between m-theory and non-commutative
geometry was.
[02:02] <Marlowe> Dawid asks: If
a one dimentional object has only the properties of the x axis, a two dimentional
object has the properties of the X and y axies like a list and a three
dimentional object, the X, y, and z axies like a stack of lists. Then what
would a 5, 6, and etc. dimentional objects be like? Or how whould a multi
dimentional grapg look like?
[02:02] <Marlowe> RykuNaomi-San
asks: What do you think the
[02:02] <Marlowe> Dake asks: Dr
Kaku, your ideas on civilization types are fascinating in their prerequisites
of a peacefully unified society. What advancements of science do you think
could unify the globe like that?
[02:02] <Marlowe> FunctionIfElse
asks: I want to know what the known dimensions are
[02:02] <Marlowe> FifthDream asks:
Dr Kaku, what are some of the more recent, important discoveries in the
world of physics?
[02:03] <Marlowe> Kakarot asks:
can energy be sent back in time so you could e-mail yourself in the past?
[02:03] <Marlowe> Bryan asks: What
do you think about The war with Iraq?
[02:03] <Marlowe> Who asks: 2)
Is Fourty-two REALLY the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
[02:03] <Marlowe> Squill asks:
I have different views on all sorts of things in the universe, what is
the best way to go about making them known and seeing if other people have
already thought up the same ideas as me?
[02:03] <Marlowe> paul_ asks: Dr.
Michio, what is the nature of light?
[02:03] <Marlowe> RykuNaomi-San
asks: What do you think the Scientific Implications of Star Trek are and
does it influnce you in any way?
[02:03] <Marlowe> Antimatter asks:
dr.kaku how long untill we can create antimatter every day so it may be
[02:03] <Marlowe> Letha| asks:
how will the obstacles (if any) in the string theory be approached and
[02:03] <Marlowe> Kalpa asks: What
is the propagation rate of Gravity? If the speed of light or less, how
does the universe 'connect'?
[02:04] <Marlowe> LoneCoyote asks:
Do you think any significant progress has been made toward a grand unified
theory since Einstein?
[02:04] <Marlowe> HiThere asks:
Hi Dr Kaku. I have always been boggled by the paradox of quantum entanglement.
I was wondering, what are you views on the mechanism behind this effect.
Maybe a particle (possibly tachyon) is being transmissed between the two
[02:04] <Marlowe> fractile asks:
the double click isn't working
[02:04] <Marlowe> abstraktc asks:
Theories such as quantum mechanics, super string, and m-brane theory are
accepted or rejected based on epistemological perspectives within the scientific
community. Aren't we disregarding Occam's razor when we adopt these concepts,
similar to assuming we know how a black box spitting out numbers works
just because we've figured out the pattern. If fundamental theories exist
specifically to make sense of the world, not to be right or wron
[02:04] <Marlowe> FifthDream
asks: Dr. Kaku, what is your opinion on science and religion? Are the two
in opposition or can there be harmony?
[02:04] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
Hello Mr Kaku. I saw your interview on tech tv yesterday and have read
several of your books. My question is after teleporting a photon how do
they know its the same one? I asked my physics teacher and he didnt seem
to know either
[02:04] <Marlowe> Who asks: 3)
What are your thoughts pertaining to the Babel Fish? Have your studies
ever revealed anything to indicate its existence or nonexistence
[02:04] <Marlowe> Hobbes asks:
Theoretically speaking, is molceular light travelk using light pistons
[02:04] <Marlowe> Imagine asks:
Lets all ask, why the great Dr.Kaku believes in Twin Universe
[02:04] <Marlowe> rons4th asks:
I am working on a comic book w/ time travellers, In hyperspace you say
that a type II civilazations mines their sun, How do you mine a star?
[02:05] <Marlowe> Who asks: here
is the question I am most interested in hearing the answer to:
[02:05] <Marlowe> HiThere asks:
2nd question...
[02:05] <Marlowe> DrBill asks:
Doesn't M-theory also predict that strings coexist with membranes of various
[02:06] <Marlowe> Evgeny asks:
I have in a recent article in a science magazine read about how octonions
may actually be the solution to the theory of everything, can you please
comment on your feelings about this theory?
[02:06] <Marlowe> Bryan asks: I
have a question to anyone who can answer this, how can I save this chatlog?
or are you going to save it to the page???
[02:06] <Marlowe> EPHEREaway asks:
Dr. Kaku, if the universe is truly broken up into multiple dimensions,
can one geometrically project a higher (above 3'rd) dimension onto a lower
one through a morphism or a homography?
[02:06] <Marlowe> fractile asks:
ask him if the stuff the universe is made of is quantized time?
[02:06] <Marlowe> Who asks: 4)
Once I inadvertantly frightened a child almost out of his sanity, inspired
such tremendous terror within him that he began hyperventilating and attempting
to scream but unable to speak anything
[02:06] <Marlowe> lerdbaron asks:
Hello, Can you elaborate a bit on the string theory
[02:06] <Marlowe> dewton asks:
If you have two EMP shockwave emitters that emitted EM waves that cancel
out each other (via destructive interference), where did the inputted energy
[02:06] <Marlowe> Xhelix asks:
What must one know/do in order to become part of your feild of work?
[02:07] <Marlowe> jmur asks: what
is needed to make a room temp. electromagnet?
[02:07] <Marlowe> icarus asks:
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and their names?
[02:07] <Marlowe> Squill asks:
About the religious comment, If god created Adam and Eve then wouldn't
that just kill the evolution theory?
[02:07] <Marlowe> conrad asks:
Question: How does anti-particle/particle emission around a black hole
occur and what are the effects to the nature of the black hole?
[02:07] <Marlowe> ThePrynce
asks: Doctor Kaku, are you naturally fascinated with physics and science
in general or were there certain things that you saw or experienced over
time to make you fall in love with it?
[02:07] <Marlowe> Who asks: I was
stunned and suddenly after I held my hand out over a swimming pool and
the surface tension of the water would fluctuate and move about, as if
directed by my fingertips, from a distance
[02:07] <Marlowe> Cozz asks: How
are multiple universes connected? I know they're close together but what
connects them?
[02:07] <Marlowe> Pr0zaK asks:
Dr.Kaku is it possible that we are seeing a false image of the world something
like The Matrix
[02:08] <Marlowe> JoeInTenn asks:
Ulf Leonhardt, a physicist at the University of St. Andrews has a theory
that light passing through Bose-Einstein condensate should behave like
a black-hole. Is this possible?
[02:08] <Marlowe> NuHertz asks:
Has there been much progression in Super String Theory as of late?
[02:08] <Marlowe> Gandalf1 asks:
I'm curious what your IQ is?
[02:08] <Marlowe> Xhelix asks:
How would one make an atom smasher. Or where could I find help?
[02:08] <Marlowe> HiThere asks:
Let's say there is an entangled pair, one particle outside a black hole
and one inside the event horizon. Now suppose a lucky scientist from inside
the EH measures one of the particles. According to string theory, does
the wave function of the other particle collapse instantaneously?
[02:09] <Marlowe> hi asks: Once
I inadvertantly frightened a child almost out of his sanity, inspired such
tremendous terror within him that he began hyperventilating and attempting
to scream but unable to speak anything
[02:09] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
after teleporting photons how do they know its the same photon?
[02:09] <Marlowe> abstraktc
asks: You wrote an article on becoming a physicist; within that article
you discussed becoming a professor. What are your views on Universities
using a greater percentage of adjuncts, TA's, and other non-tenured positions
in order to cut costs? Also, is it ok to just stop calling girls if you
don't want to see them anymore?
[02:10] <Marlowe> RykuNaomi-San
asks: What would you say the Ten Dimentions Are..Ie more than Space-Time?
[02:10] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
aftere telporting a photon how do they know its the same photon
[02:10] <Marlowe> hi asks: Once
I inadvertantly frightened a child almost out of his sanity, inspired such
tremendous terror within him that he began hyperventilating and attempting
to scream but unable to speak anything
[02:10] <Marlowe> EPHEREaway asks:
If you were offered an enormous amount of money and well-being for an eternity,
or the right answer to any question that you might have (no physical proof
though), which one would you choose?
[02:10] <Marlowe> DavidsHarp asks:
[02:10] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
after teleporting a photon how does one know its the same photon?
[02:11] <Marlowe> Hobbes asks:
If wormholes exist, where would they be located?
[02:11] <Marlowe> DrBill asks:
What is your opinion of Sheldrake's Morphogenetic resonance?
[02:11] <Marlowe> NuHertz asks:
My teachers speak of entropy constantly, and so do my text books, if physicists
say the world will end in 10 billion years, how do you calculate the entropy
now and how the rate at which it is progressing?
[02:11] <Marlowe> Clickum asks:
Is it possible to map how the human brain stores memories?
[02:12] <Marlowe> FEND asks: Isn't
there a fixed amount of energy in the Universe at any given time?
[02:13] <Marlowe> DrBill asks:
Do you agree with Feynman, that there is no need of an uncertainty principle?
[02:13] <Marlowe> GregB asks: When
will we see you next on TechTv?
[02:13] <Marlowe> icarus asks:
What do you think of David Duetsch' theories?
[02:13] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
What do you think about Andrew Wiles work on Fermats last theorum?
[02:14] <Marlowe> sacramento
asks: Dr Kaku, what is it like being a famous phycisist? Is it hectic?
Also, what you do for fun? Do you watch TV? Read? Play videogames?
[02:14] <Marlowe> DrBill asks:
A few physicists I know are optimistic that gravity will be explained in
terms of a consistent quantum theory in the near future. Would you agree?
[02:14] <Marlowe> fatt asks: Dr.
Kaku, what kind of grades did you achieve through your school career?
[02:14] <Marlowe> FunctionIfElse
asks: Can gyroscopes generate enough energy to levitate an object?
[02:15] <Marlowe> Element999 asks:
[02:17] <Marlowe> Clickum asks:
I was told that Einstein nearly created an equation for invisibility. Is
this possible?
[02:17] <Marlowe> HiThere asks:
3rd question...
[02:17] <Marlowe> NuHertz asks:
My teachers speak of entropy constantly, and so do my text books, if physicists
say the world will end in 10 billion years, how do you calculate the entropy
now and how the rate at which it is progressing?
[02:17] <Marlowe> ramao asks: Dr
Kaku, what is your thoughts on the Higgs field?
[02:17] <Marlowe> paul_ asks: what
is light?
[02:17] <Marlowe> Element999
asks: Dr. Kaku, since the recent talks of the Bust Administration reinstating
that of the StarWars program, and your involvement with that of Anti-Nuclear
protesting, will you be adding things about this on your website? I heard
that you have had lots of hits, would this be a good way of getting the
word out?
[02:17] <Marlowe> Dawid
asks: If a one dimentional object has only the properties of the x axis,
a two dimentional object has the properties of the X and y axies like a
list and a three dimentional object, the X, y, and z axies like a stack
of lists. Then what would a 5, 6, and etc. dimentional objects be like?
Or how whould a multi dimentional graph look like?
[02:17] <Marlowe> puffball asks:
If all matter in the universe stopped would there be time?
[02:18] <Marlowe> HiThere asks:
I have read that the accelerated expansion on the university could be due
to virtual particles leaving behind vacuum energy which stretches space.
What is string theory's view on this matter?
[02:18] <Marlowe> Natty asks: I
Agree Dr Kaku, I drifted as far as Marine Science
[02:18] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
Mr Kaku What do you think of Andrew Wiles work on Fermat last theorum
[02:18] <Marlowe> Prana asks: What
does he enjoy doing on his free time?
[02:18] <Marlowe> Imagine asks:
Despite modern mathematics, we still cannot understand cosmos
[02:18] <Marlowe> icarus asks:
Can an adult learn the math?
[02:18] <Marlowe> mindbender asks:
What kind of technology would it take to use the power of anti-matter to
matter energy, and how far off in the future untill this technology can
be used.
[02:18] <Marlowe> ManyWorldsTheory
asks: can a universe create itself?
[02:18] <Marlowe> NuHertz asks:
My teachers speak of entropy constantly, and so do my text books, if physicists
say the world will end in 10 billion years due to ever-expanding entropy,
how do you calculate the entropy now and how the rate at which it is progressing?
[02:18] <Marlowe> Lokoton asks:
mister kaku people like you tend to prove everything the bible says
my question is do you believe in an after-life?
[02:19] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
Mr Kaku After teleporting photons, hoew does one know its the same photon?
[02:19] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
Mr kaku after teleporting a photon how does one know its the same photon?
[02:19] <Marlowe> conrad asks:
In what manner in the future will space-time be bent to the point of interstellar
travel? What technologies would be necessary?
[02:19] <Marlowe> Pr0zak asks:
Dr.Kaku is it possible that we are seeing a false image of the world something
like The Matrix
[02:20] <Marlowe> Waldokhan asks:
Are you familiar with the holographic theory of the universe put forth
by Bohm and Pribram? Do you have any thoughts on it and how it might relate
to M theory? I't seems to explain Art Bell phenomenon pretty well.
[02:20] <Marlowe> Guest2 asks:
Do you have a sense of how far along you are toward finishing the unified
field theory or is it not possible to determine?
[02:20] <Marlowe> EPHERE asks:
Dr. Kaku, to what degree has skating affected your views on the world of
[02:21] <Marlowe> ramao asks: Am
I in contact with Mr Marlowe?
[02:21] <Marlowe> conrad asks:
What are the implications of black hole emission to the notion of a blackhole
as a transportation hole?
[02:21] <Marlowe> cryologix asks:
In your view, do you think Artificial Intelligence can teach instead?
[02:21] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
after teleporting a photon how does one know its the same photon
[02:21] <Marlowe> DavidsHarp asks:
Can you calculate how long it will be until World War III at the rate of
violence and based upon your knowledge of politics
[02:21] <Marlowe> ranmaamc
asks: Einstien had many unorthodox methods of reasoning do you have any
unorthodox methods you use
[02:22] <Marlowe> FunctionIfElse
asks: is it ok to eat orange peels?
[02:22] <Marlowe> Bing asks: Dr.
Kaku, at your web site, you state the following: Similarly, the quantum
theory works quite well at atomic distances, but has problems with gravity.
Could you elaborate on what these problems with gravity are?
[02:22] <Marlowe> Prana asks: What
if he never finds his one inch equation
[02:22] <Marlowe> Dake asks: Any
words on molecular electronics? It seems that Moore's Law is approaching
ever diminishing returns. Is molectronics the way out?
[02:23] <Marlowe> EPHERE asks:
Are you planning a trip into outer space during your lifetime?
[02:24] <Marlowe> shwing asks:
How important do you think super conductors are to our future.
[02:25] <Marlowe> DoYouKnow asks:
Earlier you mentioned that you knew at an early age that you had to learn
the mathematics to understand physics well. I know that I've been interested
in physics since 8 when I started reading about the design of nuclear bombs,
how fission/fusion occurs, and stuff like that, but I never knew that it
related with mathematics until age 11 or so. When did you have this realization,
and how did you fulfill your goal of learning math? I'
[02:25] <Marlowe> Xhelix asks:
You said somthing about self replicating machines how do they preform such
a task?
[02:25] <Marlowe> jmur asks: should
people fear the first quantum computers power that it will have and the
speed in which it will work to posiblly crack government codes?
[02:26] <Marlowe> Bryan asks: Tell
people not to click links
[02:26] <Marlowe> lazerhaze asks:
Mr. Kaku, I have heard or read (I can't remember) that our solar system
is 3rd generation, meaning there were two other solar systems around our
sun before the current one came into being. Is this true? And if so, What
is the evidence of this and what happened to the other solar systems? Thank
[02:26] <Marlowe> Bryan asks: Someone
sent me a link to a geocities site and it opened telnet like 800 times
almost crashing me.
[02:27] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
After Teleporting a photon how does one know its the same photon
[02:27] <Marlowe> KatPhish asks:
Do you believe humans have set foot on the moon? and if so, did we really
make it there the first televised landing?
[02:27] <Marlowe> lerdbaron asks:
Dr. Do you think humanity will be around for the next 50 years?
[02:28] <Marlowe> icarus asks:
Please explain String Theory...
[02:28] <Marlowe> LoneCoyote asks:
What do you think the goals of space exploration should be in the next
few decades?
[02:29] <Marlowe> JoeInTenn asks:
Ulf Leonhardt, a physicist at the University of St. Andrews has a theory
that light passing through Bose-Einstein condensate should behave like
a black-hole. Is this possible?
[02:29] <Marlowe> inz asks: What
is your favorite movie? pehaps a movie that has had an influence on your
work. Have you ever seen the movie pi?
[02:29] <Marlowe> Hobbes asks:
Is it possible for our universe to have more then one dimension that it
is holding? If so, how many?
[02:29] <Marlowe> Antimatter1 asks:
dr.Kaku how long untill a antimatter factory will be made?
[02:30] <Marlowe> jakefrommass
asks: hi i would like to ask dr kaku a question, is this possible?
[02:31] <Marlowe> Rubberduckey
asks: We send our q's to you?
[02:31] <Marlowe> DoYouKnow asks:
When did you realize the mathematical backrounds of physics? Can you recommend
a supplement to feynman's lectures which may be a little more rigorous
(on the EM aspect), with problem sets? Also, you seem to mention God a
lot, what do you define God as?
[02:31] <Marlowe> lordmage asks:
i would like to ask what Dr.Kaku thionks of M-theroy?
[02:32] <Marlowe> Real-ity asks:
What can you tell me about the furter exploration of the r33t theory and
it's uses in the future?
[02:32] <Marlowe> Imagine asks:
Dr. Kaku, why do you believe in Twin Universe?
[02:32] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
After teleporting a photon how does one know its the same photon?
[02:32] <Marlowe> Antimatter1 asks:
Dr.Kaku do you belive in a twin universe
[02:33] <Marlowe> ramao asks: Dr
Kaku, what is your thoughts on the Higgs’ field?
[02:33] <Marlowe> icarus asks:
When will you be in So. Cal.?
[02:33] <Marlowe> paul_ asks: consciousness
is inextricably tied to quantum information, but is there a relationship
between consciousness and the unified field?
[02:34] <Marlowe> Kalpa asks: perhaps
you missed my question? : Is there a Universal 'Now" - that extends throughout
the cosmos?
[02:34] <Marlowe> Imagine asks:
Dr.Kaku, why are you thinking dimensions in terms of onions?
[02:34] <Marlowe> UFOKen asks:
I have heard from a scientist that they are trying to come up with a way
to communicate or see distant galaxies almost instantaneous, much much
faster than the speed of light, using background radiation. Have you heard
of such a concept? Thank you.
[02:35] <Marlowe> jakefrommass
asks: Hi Dr. Kaku I was wondering what u feel is your most honorable and
most powerful theory you have given to the world
[02:35] <Marlowe> icarus asks:
Who is your favorite living physicist?
[02:36] <Marlowe> MOLIAK asks:
i was just curious in marlan scully's quantum eraser test after the photon
is transformed into 2 weaker photons and run there course they suggest
that there are hybrid type phantom realities coexisiting with the original
reality.I was just curious how you felt about this and could shed alittle
light on the subject.
[02:37] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
What are u currently working on
[02:38] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
What are you currently working on
[02:38] <Marlowe> Lokoton asks:
dude thanks for getting my question answerd....this was a waste of time
[02:39] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
Mr kaku what are you currently working on
[02:41] <Marlowe> HyperSpacey asks:
Dr. Kaku, please help us out with this vexing little question. If you stand
at the shoreline of a frozen lake and throw a stone with all of your might,
it won't travel nearly as far as if you had simply skipped it across the
surface. I've never thrown one successfully to the opposing shoreline but
I've had stones skip across (whirring earily) and reach it! Why is skipping
across the frozen surface so much more efficient than throwing?
[02:41] <Marlowe> EnErgy asks:
Mr Kaku what are you currentlu working on
[02:41] <Marlowe> Rodrin asks:
Whats your favorite current Sci-fi series?
Compiled by ClubCX, Dec. 20, 2002