Issuing Commands
Levels of Access
Commands for:
Addon Features
Commands Anyone Can Issue
Syntax Form 1: botnick
access nick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick access #channel nick
Example 1:
Tara access Elrond
Example 2:
/msg Cinder access #funfactory `SiouX
This will cause the bot to display,
in the channel, what level of access the user has. The nickname in the
command can be either the nickname of someone in the channel, or the handle
of someone in the bot's userlist.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2: botnick
Syntax Form 3:
/msg botnick admin
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick admin #channel
Example 1:
Essence admin #southpole
Example 2:
/msg Shania admin
The admin command is used to
display a list of users who have access in the channel (if no channel is
specified, this shows administrators of the bot), including their access
level, and if online, their current nickname and userhost.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2: botnick
Syntax Form 3:
/msg botnick banlist
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick banlist #channel
Example 1:
Unixcom banlist
Example 2:
/msg Illusion banlist #funfactory
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the list of all bans that the bot is maintaining for that channel
(including global bans). Specifying a channel name restricts the list to
bans that only exist on that channel. If a search pattern is specified,
only bans matching that pattern will be returned.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick bantype
Example 1:
Gytha bantype
Example 2:
/msg Gytha bantype
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the list of duration times that can be used with the BAN command.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
calc equation
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick calc equation
Example 1:
Ramian calc 2+2
Example 2:
/msg Ramian calc 2+2
This will cause the bot to display
the result of the calculation you specify.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
country code
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick country code
Example 1:
Boudica country ca
Example 2:
/msg Boudica country ca
This command allows you to see
the meaning of the last part of a user's hostmask. Either a country domain
or a country may be specified, the command is bi-directional.
Syntax Form 3: botnick
search country country
Example 3:
ChewToy search country Canada
In a growing number of cases,
this will give you a URL with information about that country.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
data keyword(s)
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick data #channel keyword(s)
Example 1:
Jade data Polaris magnitude
Example 2:
/msg Jade data #chatzone atmospheric
If the channel owner has recorded
any data with the bot, this command will search that database, and display
any matching lines it finds, via notice.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick date
Example 1:
Jasmine date
Example 2:
/msg Thurin date
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the current date, according to the shell where the bot resides.
Syntax Form 1:
define word
Example 1:
define brb
This command will cause the
bot to display, in the channel, a definition of the word named in the command
(if the bot knows the word).
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick define word
Example 2:
/msg Heathen define http
This form of the command serves
the same purpose, but the display is via notice instead of in the channel.
Syntax Form 3:
/msg botnick definelist
Example 3:
/msg Glenelda definelist
This will cause the bot to give
you, in a query window, a list of all the words that the command recognizes.
Syntax Form 1:
botnick flags channel
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick flags channel
Syntax Form 3:
botnick flags global
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick flags global
Example 1:
Ramones flags global
Example 2:
/msg Jenny flags channel
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the list of flags that the bot can use for users, and their
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick fyi
Example 1:
Kubot fyi
Example 2:
/msg Kubot fyi
This will cause the bot to display,
in a query window, the most recent news item put out by BotService.
Syntax Form 1:
getclass keyword(s)
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick getclass keyword(s)
Example 1:
getclass ircd
Example 2:
/msg Storm getclass commands Peta
This will cause the bot to display
the details of any scheduled classes run by IRCDService/BotService, that
match the keywords provided.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick handlelist #channel
Example 1:
Salvia handlelist
Example 2:
/msg Salvia handlelist #libya
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, a list of all people who have access to the channel, in the
bot's user base.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick ignorelist
Example 1:
Druid ignorelist
Example 2:
/msg Desiree ignorelist
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the list of people it is currently ignoring. (Unless, of course,
it is ignoring YOU!)
Syntax Form 1: botnick
info nick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick info #channel nick
Example 1:
Kapria info lordy
Example 2:
/msg Guinevere info #pagan Nicki
Everyone in the bot's userlist
has the option of storing some personal information in the bot. This command
allows anyone who wants to, to see that information. The command always
responds via notice. The nickname in the command can be either the nickname
of someone in the channel (who is in the bot's userlist), or the handle
of someone in the bot's userlist.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick levels
Example 1:
Fedelma levels
Example 2:
/msg Nevin levels
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the list of levels that users may have, including a list of
the flags that correspond to each level.
Syntax Form 1:
netname word
Example 1:
netname othernet
This command will cause the
bot to display, in the channel, some information about the irc network
named in the command. If BotService has a relay bot on that network, its
nickname will be given. An example of one server in the network is also
given. If the network has an official webpage, its URL will be shown.
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick netname word
Example 2:
/msg Taranis netname millenia
This form of the command serves
the same purpose, but the display is via notice instead of in the channel.
Syntax Form 3:
/msg botnick netnamelist
Example 3:
/msg Spud netnamelist
This will cause the bot to give
you, in a query window, a list of all the networks that the command recognizes.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick peak #channel
Example 1:
NightWind peak
Example 2:
/msg Callisto peak #gorteens
The bot will announce, in the
channel, the highest recorded user count for the channel, including the
date on which the record was set.
Syntax Form 1:
botnick ping nick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick ping #channel nick
Example 1:
Lindar ping Andy
Example 2:
/msg DarkSun ping #bothouse Smokey
This will cause the bot to send
a ping to the user that was named (do not name yourself). The bot will
report the result to the user, via notice, and will send you a notice confirming
that a ping was sent.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2: /msg
quote #channel
Syntax Form 3: botnick
Syntax Form 4: /msg
quote #channel number
Syntax Form 5: botnick
Syntax Form 6: /msg
quote #channel keyword(s)
Example 1:
Meraude quote
Example 2:
/msg Belenus quote #fun Jonni2
If there are any quotes in the
channel database, the bot will read one randomly to the channel. Alternatively,
you may specify a specific quote to read. Keywords may also be specified
and the bot will return, via notice, any matching quotes.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick rede
Example 1:
Haladin rede
Example 2:
/msg Keiko rede
This will cause the bot to display,
in a private query window, the Wiccan Rede.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick rules #channel
Example 1:
Tasha rules
Example 2:
/msg Arial rules #bobby
If the channel owner has recorded
any channel rules with the bot, this command will display those rules,
via notice.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
search country country
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick search country country
Example 1:
Bigwolf search country Canada
This will cause the bot to look
through our file of countries, and give you any URL we may noted for that
Syntax Form 3: botnick
search url keyword
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick search url keyword
Example 2:
Natasha search url mcmaster
This will search our file of
URLs for any line containing the keyword you specified.
Syntax Form 5: botnick
search quote keyword
Syntax Form 6:
/msg botnick search quote keyword
Example 3:
Proxima search quote love
This will display all quotable
quotes that include the keyword specified.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick shortcut
Example 1:
Olcai shortcut
Example 2:
/msg Olcai shortcut
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the bot's shortcut name, that can be used in direct public
commands. As an example, it turns out that Olcai's shortcut is OL, and
thus, the command: Olcai ping me is the same as: ol ping me
Naturally, shortcuts cannot be used in /msg commands.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick time
Example 1:
Camber time
Example 2:
/msg Camber time
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the current time, according to the shell where the bot resides.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick uptime
Example 1:
Drackel uptime
Example 2:
/msg Imago uptime
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, how long the bot has been running.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick userlist #channel
Example 1:
Eclipse userlist
Example 2:
/msg Pandora userlist #cauldrons
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, a list of all people who have access to the channel, in the
bot's user base, showing a little bit of information about each.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick version
Example 1:
Glenelda version
Example 2:
/msg Magret version
This will cause the bot to tell
you, via a notice, which version of our main script is running.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
whois nick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick whois channel nick
Example 1:
Tasha whois KiiA
Example 2:
/msg Kalama whois #witches LadyMary
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, some information about the user named. The nickname in the
command can be either the nickname of someone in the channel, or the handle
of someone in the bot's userlist.