Issuing Commands
Levels of Access
Commands for:
Addon Features
ChanVoice Commands
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick
Example 1:
/msg Gytha count #teens
This will cause the bot to display,
via notice, the total number of users and bans in the bot's userfile.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick devoice #channel
Example 1:
Edelweiss devoice
Example 2:
/msg Magret devoice #teens
This will cause the bot to remove
+v mode from you in the channel.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
hail add message
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick
Example 1:
Isitari hail add Here comes the Boss!
Every user has the option of
setting hail messages, which the bot will read when the user joins the
channel. If multiple messages are set, the bot will read one at random.
Example 2:
Milane hail add Just call me <host> for long.
This also stores a hail on the
bot, however <host>
is a macro which, when this hail is displayed, is replaced by the user's
current hostmask. Other macros which may be used in hails are: <nick>,
<handle>, <name>, <time>, <date>, and <counter>
Syntax Form 3: botnick
hail del number
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick
Example 3:
/msg Ganges hail #scripting del 9
This removes a greeting.
Syntax Form 5: botnick
hail list
Syntax Form 6:
/msg botnick
#channel list
Example 4:
Muse hail list
This lists all the personal
greetings that you have stored so far. Each time you join the channel,
one of those greetings is selected at random, and displayed in the channel
for all to see. The list generated by this command is numbered, in order
to make use of the hail del command.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
host add hostmask
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick host #channel add hostmask
Example 1:
/msg Yrch host #circus add *!*brig@*
The host command is used to
manage the hostmasks by which the bot may recognise you on IRC. This version
of the commands adds a host to that list.
Syntax Form 3:botnick
host del hostmask
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick host #channel del hostmask
Example 2:
Silmarien host del *!nicki.ray@*
This deletes a host from your
list of recognised hosts.
Syntax Form 5:botnick
host list
Syntax Form 6:
/msg botnick host #channel list
Example 3:
Mabel host list
The bot will display, via notice,
a list of all hostmasks by which you are recognised.
Syntax Form 1:
/msg botnick ident password
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick ident password handle
/msg Grianan ident goodguess
This command adds your current
hostmask to the list of hostmasks that the bot will recognize you by. The
password you use in the command must be the one you set with the PASS command.
For this command to work, you must ensure that your current nickname is
the handle that the bot knows you by --- usually the nickname you had at
the time you were first added to the bot.
/msg botnick login password
/msg Spunky login sp33ling
This command is used to log
in to a bot. Without logging in, most commands the bot has, are unavailable
to you. For the command to succeed, you must supply the bot with the password
you gave it with the PASS command, and your current nickname must be one
that the bot has a record of, as belonging to you.
/msg botnick logout password
/msg Sulvia logout nickilives
This command is used to log
out of the bot, which is good practise (and security) if you are going
to be afk for a while.
Syntax Form 1:
/msg botnick pass password
Example 1:
/msg Thurin pass greek2me
When you are added to the bot's
user list, the bot notifies you that you must use this command to set a
password (of your choosing). Be sure you set the password right away;
if you or the bot leaves IRC before you have set the password, you will
be unable to set it later --- you will have to be removed from the bot
and re-added.
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick pass oldpassword newpassword
Example 2:
/msg Thurin pass greek2me nowigetit
This command enables you to
change your password.
/msg botnick
/msg Paradox sendpass
The sendpass command can be
used to retreive your password if you have forgotten it. The password will
be send to the e-mail address specified in your info. The bot does not
have to recognise you before you can give the command, you have simply
to use the nickname the bot knows you by. To avoid abuse, the command is
limited to one use per day, and various information is provided in the
e-mail you receive.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set name name
Example 1:
Jasmine set name Nicole
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel name name
Example 2:
/msg Taima set #fastrack name Tracie
This will store your name on
the bot, as personal information which can be viewed by anybody. It can
also be displayed in channel welcome messages using the macro <name>.
Use 'none' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set bday date
Example 1:
Nadia set bday 01/02/1968
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel bday date
Example 2:
/msg Julian set #dawghouse bday 09/21/1911
This will store your birthday
on the bot, as personal information which can be viewed by anybody. Use
'none' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set location place
Example 1:
Emberella set location Charlotte, NC
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel location place
Example 2:
/msg Quendi set #leprechaun location London, England
This will store your location
on the bot, as personal information which can be viewed by anybody. Use
'none' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set occupation information
Example 1:
Kitana set occupation lawyer
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel occupation information
Example 2:
/msg Nevin set #sailormoon occupation biologist
This will store your occupation
on the bot, as personal information which can be viewed by anybody. Use
'none' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set url information
Example 1:
Belenus set url
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel url information
Example 2:
/msg Gorcrows set #janschan url
This will store your personal
url on the bot, as personal information which can be viewed by anybody.
Use 'none' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set email information
Example 1:
Camber set email
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel email information
Example 2:
/msg Tempest set #bothouse email
This will store your personal
e-mail address on the bot, as personal information which can be viewed
by anybody. Setting your e-mail is required if you wish to receive logs
from the bot, or need to retreive a lost password at any time. Use 'none'
to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set other information
Example 1:
Delbin set other I collect stamps
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel other information
Example 2:
/msg Mensa set #vegechat other I am vegan
This will store any other personal
information you wish to include on the bot, which can be viewed by anybody.
Use 'none' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set secure on
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel secure on
Example 1:
SeRi set secure on
When security is activated (default
setting), the bot will keep track of which nicknames you are using, and
will only permit you to issue commands while using those nicknames.
Syntax Form 3:botnick
set secure off
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick set #channel secure off
Example 2:
/msg Sharix set #katchnet secure off
When the feature is deactivated,
anybody matching one of your known hosts may issue commands to the bot,
while you are logged in.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set output type
Example 1:
Cinn set output msg
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel output type
Example 1:
/msg Annwn set #help output notice
This command allows you to control
how the bot will send information to you. By default, most commands answer
with notice, but some clients, such as WebTV, are unable to receive these.
In other cases, it may simply be easier to receive information by means other
than notice, for example to demonstrate a command to channel ops.
The available uses for type are: notice, msg, dcc, channel
It should be noted that only
channel owners can have information sent directly to the channel.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set colors color1 color2 color3
Example 1:
Kendall set colors blue, red, orange
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel colors color1 color2 color3
Example 1:
/msg Olcai set #opers colors purple blue green
This command takes exactly three
arguments. By default, all commands answer without the aid of colors, but
some, such as lists, have the option of including color codes to highlight
different sections of text and thus make reading easier.
The available uses for color
are: white black
navy green
red brown
purple orange
yellow lime
teal aqua
blue pink
grey silver
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set colwidth characters
Example 1:
Ramones set colwidth 72
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel colwidth characters
Example 2:
/msg Achilles set #yingyang colwidth 180
Colwidth is used to define the
character width of your IRC console, so that the bot can output information
in an easier to read format. By default, the bot will only wrap text when
the IRC server's buffer is full. Use 'off' to disable this feature.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
set timezone +hours
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick set #channel timezone +hours
Syntax Form 3: botnick
set timezone -hours
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick set #channel timezone -hours
Example 1:
Glenda set timezone -5
Example 2:
/msg Haladin set #mathematics timezone +9
Setting your timezone on the bot
will affect the result you get by issuing the TIME command, and may be used
for additional features in the future.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick voice #channel
Example 1:
Edelweiss voice
Example 2:
/msg Magret voice #zurna
This will cause the bot to give
you +v mode in the channel
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick
Example 1:
/msg Haladin who #chat
The bot will list, via notice,
all the users in the channel, showing the idle time of each, and counting
how many have voice and ops.