Issuing Commands
Levels of Access
Commands for:
Addon Features
ChanOp Commands
Syntax Form 1: botnick
addquote text
Syntax Form 2: /msg
addquote #channel text
Example 1:
Medusa addquote The best things in life are 45p
Example 2:
/msg Nadia addquote #wreckingcrew <PeterM> How do you fit five beatles
in a Mini? Two in the front, two in the back, and John Lennon in the ash
This command will add a quote
to the channel's quotes database, which may then be recalled with the 'quote'
Syntax Form 1: botnick
adduser nick level
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick adduser channel nick level
Example 1:
Erne adduser Helga chanop
Example 2:
/msg Erne adduser #friendship Helga chanvoice
The user named must be in the
channel at the time the command is issued.
There are four levels that can
be used: chanfriend chanvoice chanop chanmaster
After the command has been issued,
the bot will tell the user, via notice, how to set his/her password, and
how to login.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
ban nick duration reason
Example 1:
Esbot ban trailer 2d next time be more polite
This command adds an entry to
the bot's internal ban list, and kicks the user from the channel. The ban
stays in the bot's banlist until removed or until the duration indicated
has elapsed. To get a list of possible durations, use the BANTYPE command.
In this form, the user must be in the channel at the time the command is
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick ban #channel nick duration reason
Example 2:
/msg WhiteFang ban #chat shado 9w lose 50 pounds!
This is the same as form 1,
except of course the command itself doesn't appear in the channel ... it's
a bigger surprise for the target of the ban.
Syntax Form 3: botnick
ban nick!user@host duration reason
Example 3:
Medb ban *!*gates@* perm no dictators allowed
This version is useful when
the person being banned is not on the channel.
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick ban #channel nick!user@host duration reason
Example 4:
/msg Eclipse ban #firechat vandal!*@* 9m Change your nick
This is the same as Form 3,
except the command is via message instead of being seen in the channel.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
delquote number
Syntax Form 2: /msg
delquote #channel number
Example 1:
Sanity delquote 4
Example 2:
/msg Nattalie delquote #jackiesoft 79
This command will delete a quote
from the channel's quotes database.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2: /msg
botnick deop #channel
Example 1:
Edelweiss deop
This will cause the bot to remove
ops from you in the channel
Syntax Form 3: botnick
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick deop #channel nick
Example 2:
Magret deop conspi
Example 3:
/msg Kubot deop #chatzone beirut
This will cause the bot to remove
ops from the named user in the channel. You may specify up to 50 nicknames
to deop with one command, separated by commas.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2: /msg
botnick devoice #channel
Example 1:
Jamelia devoice
This will cause the bot to remove
+v from you in the channel
Syntax Form 3: botnick
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick devoice #channel nick
Example 2:
Pendragon devoice conspi
Example 3:
/msg Thora devoice #rangdang mary32
This will cause the bot to remove
+v from the named user in the channel. You may specify up to 50 nicknames
to deop with one command, separated by commas.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
kick nick reason
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick kick #channel nick reason
Example 1:
Midgard kick lonelyboy look somewhere else
Example 2:
/msg Eclipse kick #mathematics ihateyou Change your nick
This will cause the bot to kick
the person named, out of the channel, and include the reason given for
it in the kick message to the user.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
mode mode(s)
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick mode #channel mode(s)
Example 1:
Sybil mode +nt-is
Example 2:
/msg Sybil mode #botplace m
This command causes the bot
to change the channel's current modes.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick op #channel
Example 1:
Edelweiss op
This will cause the bot to give
you +o mode (ops) in the channel.
Syntax Form 3: botnick
op nick
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick op #channel nick
Example 2:
Jeopardy op Sandra
Example 3:
/msg Bodkin op #services sandy{N}
This will cause the bot to give
ops to the named user in the channel. You may specify up to 50 nicknames
to op with one command, separated by commas.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
remuser nick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick remuser channelnick
Myst remuser jinxi
Example 2:
/msg Kajirus remuser #bdsm LadyLynn
This removes the named user
from the bot's userlist for that channel. Please note that the nickname
used in the command must be the one that the bot recognizes when that user
uses the ident command. If you aren't sure which nickname that is,
then use the handlelist command first, to get a list of recognizes handles
in your channel. The user being removed does not have to be on the channel
when this command is issued.
Syntax: botnick
Mitch showrules
This will cause the bot to display
any rules the channel owner has set, in the channel.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
topic text
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick topic #channel text
Example 1:
Medb topic deadcat slept here
Example 2:
/msg Sura topic #games Today's discussion is about Descent
This will cause the bot to set
the topic in the channel.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
unban nick!user@host
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick unban channel nick!user@host
Example 1:
Cops unban *!*gringo@*
Example 2:
/msg Callisto unban #funky *!*kat@*
This removes the indicated ban
from the bot's banlist and also from the channel's banlist (if it is also
there). To ensure you are giving a hostmask that corresponds to an existing
ban, use the banlist command first, to see what bans the bot has stored.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick voice #channel
Example 1:
Rhiannen voice
This will cause the bot to give
you +v in the channel.
Syntax Form 3: botnick
voice nick
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick voice #channel nick
Example 2:
Zantar voice ami-chan
This will cause the bot to give
+v to the named user in the channel. You may specify up to 50 nicknames
to voice with one command, separated by commas.