Issuing Commands
Levels of Access
Commands for:
Addon Features
ChanMaster Commands
Syntax Form 1: botnick
act action
Example 1:
Eclipse act sings a romantic ballad
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick act #channel action
Example 2:
/msg Eclipse act #fruitbowl sings a romantic ballad
This example would cause a posting
in the channel that says
* Eclipse sings a romantic ballad
Syntax Form 1: botnick
banlock add nick!user@host
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick banlock #channel add nick!user@host
Example 1:
Ch`ere banlock add *!james@*
This command is used to lock
one of the bans in the bot's internal ban list by adding it to the channel's
ban list. While the bot is opped, it will not allow the ban to be removed,
thus preventing any matching users from joining the channel.
Syntax Form 3:
botnick banlock del nick!user@host
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick banlock #channel del nick!user@host
Example 2:
Kalama banlock del *!susan@*
This form of the command unlocks
a ban.
Syntax Form 5:
botnick banlock list
Syntax Form 6:
/msg botnick banlock #channel list
Example 3:
Artemis banlock list
This will return a numbered
list of all the bans that are currently locked.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick chaninfo #channel
Example 1:
Artio chaninfo
Example 2:
/msg Artio chaninfo #chatworld
This command shows information
about a channel's settings:
- allow the use of bot games scripts in the channel (when available)
- automatically op +o users when they join the channel
autovoice -
automatically voice +v users when they enter the channel
- prevent the banlist from getting full by removing old bans
- only allow users with the +o flag to be ops on the channel
- shows which modes are enforced on the channel both + and - modes can
be enforced
clearbans -
clear all the channel bans when the bot joins the channel this has no effect
on the bot's own ban list
clog -
record commands issued in the channel or by msg and send this log to the
channel owner each day
clone-limit -
allow this many clones in the channel and no more
counter -
count every user who joins the channel
cycle -
continuously rejoin the channel until the bot regains ops
dontkickops -
never kick +o flag people
dynamicbans -
only activate bans on channel when they are needed
enforcebans -
kicks people who match channel bans
flood-chan -
lines of public chatter & actions for one user : seconds ==> kick
flood-ctcp -
pings & versions for one user : seconds ==> kick
flood-deop -
deops by one user : seconds ==> kick
flood-join -
joins from one user@host : seconds ==> kick
flood-kick -
kicks by one user : seconds ==> kick
flood-nick -
nick changes by one user : seconds ==> kick
greet -
say a users info line when they join the channel
idle-kick -
shows the number of idle minutes after which a user not in the bot's userlist,
is kicked (0 means this feature is disabled)
- reset the topic if it somehow gets lost
nomemo -
do not allow memos to be sent to the channel
- re-op a +o user who gets deopped
- only allow friends to join the channel
- take revenge on anyone who deops, kicks or bans the bot or any valid
- take revenge on anyone who deops, kicks or bans the bot itself
secret -
don't provide info about the channel over the botnet
shared -
share user settings for this channel (NOTE: this can only be set in the
config file)
- log the channel status every 5 minutes in DCC
stopnethack -
de-op anyone who enters the channel with server ops
swearban -
ban any user caught swearing for this many minutes
userbans -
allow other users to place bans on the channel
verbose -
alert the channel when certain commands are used in msg
voiceall -
voice all users who join the channel
Syntax Form 1: botnick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick cycle #channel
Example 1:
Cinn cycle
Example 2:
/msg Cinn cycle #biking
This causes the bot to part
the channel, and then rejoin it. At first glance, this may seem like a
silly thing to be able to make the bot do. Here are some examples of situations
where it isn't silly at all:
If the bot doesn't have ops, cycling
the bot will often cause it acquire ops; this varies from net to net
If the bot's channel settings include
+clearbans, cycling the bot will cause the bot to empty out the channel
ban list (without affecting the bot's own ban list, of course)
Syntax Form 1:
botnick datum add information
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick datum #channel add information
Example 1:
Grianan datum add March 17th - we will be holding a meeting to discuss
new ops
This command allows the channel
owner to create and maintain a database of information, that is viewable
by anyone (using the DATA command). The add form puts an entry into the
Syntax Form 3:
botnick datum list
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick datum #channel list
Example 2:
Sura datum list
This displays a numbered list
of all the data entries.
Syntax Form 5:
botnick datum del number
Syntax Form 6:
/msg botnick datum #channel del number
Example 3:
GoldenEye datum del 3
This will remove the third data
entry from the database.
Syntax Form 1: botnick
invite nick
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick invite #channel nick
Example 1:
Thurin invite Nicki
Example 2:
/msg Thurin invite #rnd Nicki
This will cause the bot to invite
the person named, to the channel. Please note that doing too much of this
is considered to be mass inviting, and most networks get upset over
that. For that reason, a record of these invitations is also sent to our
relay channel -- if you appear to be guilty of mass-inviting, we will support
the net by removing the bot from your channel
Syntax Form 1: botnick
say something
Example 1:
Eclipse say hello all!
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick say
#channel something
Example 2:
/msg Eclipse say #allworld hello all!
This example would cause a posting
in the channel that says
<Eclipse> hello all!
Syntax Form 1: botnick
welcome list
Syntax Form 2:
/msg botnick welcome #channel list
Example 1:
Phantasy welcome list
This lists all the general greetings
that have been stored so far. Each time someone joins the channel, one
of those greetings is selected at random, and sent to the joiner, via notice.
The list generated by this command is numbered, in order to make use of
the welcome del command, described below.
Syntax Form 3: botnick
welcome add greeting
Syntax Form 4:
/msg botnick welcome #channel add greeting
Example 2:
Serena welcome add Pull up a chair and relax
This stores a greeting on the
Example 2a:
Sava welcome add Welcome to #chataway, <nick>!
This also stores a welcome on
the bot. However, the <nick>
is a macro which, when this welcome is displayed, is replaced by the
nickname of the person who joined.
Other macros you may use are:
<host> <handle> <name> <time> <date> and <counter>
Syntax Form 5: botnick
welcome del number
Syntax Form 6:
/msg botnick welcome #channel del number
Example 3:
Muse welcome del 3
This erases the greeting indicated
(as listed using the welcome list command) from the bot.