Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +addons
Example 1:
Lindar chanset +addons
If any of the addon scripts
have been added to the bot, this setting will allow those scripts to be
used in the channel
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -addons
Example 2:
Othello chanset -addons
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +autoop
Example 1:
Medb chanset +autoop
This will cause the bot to give
ops automatically to anyone who joins the channel, that the bot recognizes
as having a +o flag (chanop and up)
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -autoop
Example 2:
Druid chanset -autoop
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +autovoice
Example 1:
Esme chanset +autovoice
This will cause the bot to give
voice (+v) automatically to anyone who joins the channel, that the bot
recognizes as having a +v flag
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -autovoice
Example 2:
Kitana chanset -autovoice
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +banmon
Example 1:
Muse chanset +banmon
The channel's IRCd banlist is
only capable of holding so many bans (40 on most networks), and once full,
will be unable to store any more. When banmon is enabled, the bot will
ensure the banlist does not fill completely, by removing old bans when neccessary.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -banmon
Example 2:
Oaken chanset -banmon
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) ban-time minutes
Example 1:
Strider chanset ban-time 60
By default, the bot will remove
bans from the channel's banlist two hours after being set. This setting
allows you to change that timer.
Example 2:
Thorne chanset ban-time 0
This prevents the bot from removing
bans altogether.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +bitch
Example 1:
Morrigan chanset +bitch
This will cause the bot to countermand
any attempt by an op to give op's to someone who isnt at least a chanop
on the bot's userlist.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -bitch
Example 2:
Unixcom chanset -bitch
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) chanmode modes
Pandora chanset chanmode +stn-i
This determines which channel
modes the bot will protect. In the example, the would set the channel to
+stn mode, remove +i mode if it was on, and thereafter disallow anyone
from removing +s or +t or +n, and also disallow anyone from setting the
+i mode. It would take no action against any other mode changes.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +clearbans
Example 1:
Sybil chanset +clearbans
Each time the bot joins the
channel, this option will cause the bot to erase the bans maintained by
the channel. This has no effect on the bans maintained by the bot.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -clearbans
Example 2:
Caitlyn chanset -clearbans
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +clog
Example 1:
Iodalus chanset +clog
This setting (short for 'channel
log') will cause the bot to maintain a log of commands used by users on
the channel and via /msg, and e-mail that log to the channel owner at the end
of each day. This assumes, of course, that it already knows the e-mail address!
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -clog
Example 1:
Nebula chanset -clog
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) clone-limit number
Example 1:
Paradox chanset clone-limit 3
If a clone limit is set, the
bot will kick out clones when they exceed the number set here. In this
example, the bot would kick out all the clones when there are 4 or more
in the channel.
Example 2:
Boudica chanset clone-limit 0
This disables this feature
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +counter
Example 1:
Quendi chanset +counter
If enabled, the bot will count
every user who joins the channel and add to a total in its memory, which
can be placed within the welcome message if desired, using the macro
<counter>, or left secret to be viewed by the channel owner.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -counter
Example 2:
Teutas chanset -counter
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +cycle
Example 1:
WoodNymph chanset +cycle
If the cycle option is set,
the bot will continuously rejoin the channel until it regains ops.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -cycle
Example 2:
Guaire chanset -cycle
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +dontkickops
Example 1:
Serena chanset +dontkickops
This will prevent the bot from
kicking anyone who is a chanop or higher in the bot's userlist.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -dontkickops
Example 2:
Pegasus chanset -dontkickops
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +dynamicbans
Example 1:
Meraude chanset +dynamicbans
This will cause the bot to copy
a ban from its own banlist into the channel banlist ONLY when needed.
Syntax Form 2:(/msg)
botnick chanset (#channel) -dynamicbans
Example 2:
Othello chanset -dynamicbans
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +enforcebans
Example 1:
Athena chanset +enforcebans
This will cause the bot to kick
anyone in the channel's ban list, even if they are not in the bot's banlist.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -enforcebans
Example 2:
Taranis chanset -enforcebans
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) flood-chan number:seconds
Example 1:
Jackie chanset flood-chan 8:5
If a user posts too many messages
in the channel in too short a time, the bot will declare a flood and kick
that user. In the example, a flood is declared if a user posts 8 or more
lines in a 5 second interval.
Example 2:
Amber chanset flood-chan 0:0
This disables this feature
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) flood-ctcp number:seconds
Example 1:
Newton chanset flood-ctcp 7:10
If a user sends too many ctcp
requests (such as pings) to the channel in too short a time, the bot will
declare a flood and kick that user. In the example, a flood is declared
if 7 ctcp's are sent to the channel in a 10 second interval.
Example 2:
Milane chanset flood-ctcp 0:0
This disables this feature
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) flood-deop number:seconds
Example 1:
Bandit chanset flood-deop 2:1
If a user issues too many deop's
in too short a time, a flood is declared, and that user is kicked. In the
example, a user deop'ing 3 people within 1 second of each other, will be
Example 2:
Rainsah chanset flood-deop 0:0
This disables this feature
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) flood-join number:seconds
Example 1:
Aries chanset flood-join 3:5
If the same user@host joins
the channel too often in too short a time, a flood is declared. In the
example, 3 joins by the same user@host within 5 seconds would constitute
a flood.
Example 2:
Safarosh chanset flood-deop 0:0
This disables this feature
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) flood-kick number:seconds
Example 1:
Unixcom chanset flood-kick 3:2
If a user issues too many kicks
in too short a time, a flood is declared, and that user is kicked. In the
example, a user kicking 3 people within 2 seconds, will be kicked.
Example 2:
Ramones chanset flood-kick 0:0
This disables this feature
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) flood-nick number:seconds
Example 1:
Monsun chanset flood-nick 3:10
If a user changes their nickname
in too short a time, a flood is declared, and that user is kicked. In the
example, a user changing nicknames 3 times within 10 seconds, will be kicked.
Example 2:
Yrch chanset flood-nick 0:0
This disables this feature
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +greet
Example 1:
Valient chanset +greet
If greet is enabled, the bot
will announce each user's info line when they join the channel
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -greet
Example 2:
Washom chanset -greet
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) idle-kick minutes
Example 1:
Sabbat chanset idle-kick 30
This option will cause the bot
to kick anyone not in its user list, who has idled for the number of minutes
indicated. In the example, 30 minutes of idling produces a kick.
Example 2:
Thorne chanset idle-kick 0
This disables this feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +keeptopic
Example 1:
Debian chanset +keetopic
When this option is enabled,
the bot will try to ensure that the topic is always set in the channel.
Occassionally topics can be lost due to a netsplit.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -keeptopic
Example 2:
HouJi chanset -keeptopic
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +nomemo
Example 1:
Drackel chanset +nomemo
This prevents memos being sent
to the channel via the bot's memo system.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -nomemo
Example 2:
Medusa chanset -nomemo
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +protectfriends
Example 1:
Julian chanset +protectfriends
With this feature, if a user
in the bot's user list is banned, the bot will automatically unban that user.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -protectfriends
Example 2:
Nadine chanset -protectfriends
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +protectops
Example 1:
Darius chanset +protectops
With this feature, if a user
with +o in the bot's user list (chanop and up) gets de-op'd, the bot will
re-op that user.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -protectops
Example 2:
Damocles chanset -protectops
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +restrict
Example 1:
Himalay chanset +restrict
When this feature is set,
the bot will kick and ban anybody joining the channel who does not have
+o in the bot's user list (chanop and up).
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -restrict
Example 2:
DarkSun chanset -restrict
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +revenge
Example 1:
Veleda chanset +revenge
This will cause the bot to do
nasty things to anyone who kicks, deops, or bans someone in the bot's userlist.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -revenge
Example 2:
Sura chanset -revenge
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +revengebot
Example 1:
Sava chanset +revengebot
This will cause the bot to do
masty things to anyone who kicks, deops, or bans the bot itself.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -revengebot
Example 2:
Esbat chanset -revengebot
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) revenge-mode number
Zepplin chanset revenge-mode 0
The revenge-mode setting dictates
how the bot will re-act to violations when +revenge or +revengebot are set. The
options are as follows:
0 - deop the user
1 - deop the user, give the user channel flag +d (auto-deop)
2 - deop the user, give the user channel flag +d (auto-deop), and
kick the user.
3 - deop the user, give the user channel flag +d (auto-deop), kick
and ban the user.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +secret
Example 1:
Eldar chanset +secret
This option will prevent the bot
from sharing information about the channel over the botnet.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -secret
Example 2:
Sharix chanset -secret
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +statuslog
Example 1:
Mewlips chanset +statuslog
When this feature is set,
the bot will log the channel status every 5 minutes in DCC.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -statuslog
Example 2:
Laetitia chanset -statuslog
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +stopnethack
Example 1:
Gandalf chanset +stopnethack
With this option in place, any
user that gains op's from a server hack (such as after a netsplit) will
be deop'd.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -stopnethack
Example 2:
Kiara chanset -stopnethack
This simply disables the feature.
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) swearban minutes
Example 1:
Shyla chanset swearban 15
If you would like the bot to ban
users who swear as well as kicking them, this specifies how many minutes
such bans should last. In this example, anybody caught swearing would be
banned for 15 minutes.
Example 2:
Lelaps chanset swearban 0
This disables this feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +userbans
Example 1:
Iris chanset +userbans
This option allows any user
with op's to place bans on the channel.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -userbans
Example 2:
Horizon chanset -userbans
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +verbose
Example 1:
Aries chanset +verbose
When this option is enabled,
the bot will notify channel ops when certain commands are used in msg.
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -verbose
Example 2:
NightWind chanset -verbose
This simply disables the feature.
Syntax Form 1:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) +voiceall
Example 1:
Dacey chanset +voiceall
This setting will cause the
bot to voice every user who joins the channel
Syntax Form 2:
(/msg) botnick chanset (#channel) -voiceall
Example 2:
Rhubia chanset -voiceall
This simply disables the feature.