Issuing Commands
Levels of Access
Commands for:
Addon Features
Levels of Access
Not everyone can issue all commands. There are several commands which
can be issued by anyone, but most are restricted to people who have been
registered with the bot. Part of that registration is the assignment of
an access level to the user, and that is what determines which commands
the user has access to.
Associated with each user are a number of flags; each access
level includes certain of these flags, by default.
The various access levels are listed below, along with which flags
they normally have. Below that, are listed the flags, and what each means.
Access Levels, Highest on Top
Level |
Name |
Global Flags |
Channel Flags |
full |
Full Access User |
fhjmnoptx |
owner |
Global Owner |
fhmnopx |
master |
Global Master |
fhmopx |
op |
Global Op |
fhopx |
voice |
Global Voice |
fhvpx |
chanowner |
Channel Owner |
hpx |
fmno |
chanmaster |
Channel Master |
hpx |
fmo |
chanop |
Channel Op |
hpx |
fo |
chanvoice |
Channel Voice |
hpx |
fv |
chanfriend |
Channel Friend |
hpx |
f |
Global Flags
Flag |
Name |
Meaning |
a |
global auto-op |
always op this user on join |
b |
bot |
user is another bot |
c |
common |
user record is a common-access site |
d |
global deop |
user cannot get ops |
f |
global friend |
h |
high-light flag |
user sees highlighting in text output |
j |
janitor |
user is a file-area master |
k |
global auto-kick |
user kick & banned automatically |
l |
global halfop |
always halfop this user on join |
m |
global master |
user is a bot master |
n |
global owner |
user is the bot owner |
o |
global op |
bot will op this user on any channel |
p |
party-line |
user has party-line access |
q |
global dehalfop |
user cannot gain halfops on any channel |
t |
botnet master |
user is a botnet master |
u |
unshared |
not sent to other share-bots |
v |
global voice |
user get +v automatically on +autovoice channels |
x |
xfer |
user has file-area access |
Channel Flags
Flag |
Name |
Meaning |
a |
auto-op |
always op this user on join |
d |
deop |
bot will not allow this user to become a chanop |
f |
friend |
user is not punished for doing bad things |
k |
kick |
user is auto-kicked |
l |
halfop |
bot will give this user halfop |
m |
master |
user is a master for the channel) |
n |
owner |
user is an owner for the channel) |
o |
op |
bot will give this user chanop |
q |
quiet |
user never gets +v on channel |
r |
dehalfop |
user cannot get halfop |
v |
voice |
user get +v automatically on channel |
y |
auto-halfop |
always op this user on join |